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My Blog

28 March 2025


Memory Transplant


Then MP Brian Mawhinney was sounding depressed when doing a political speech on television so I decided to perk him up by transplanting one of my nice memories into his head. I stunned him using the Kadir-Buxton Method and mimicked his voice as I gave my memory of two girlfriends and me as a youngster to him three times in order to make the memory stick. When Brian came too he thought that the memory was his and really perked up, wanting to find Sue and Rose, who had run off to join the church choir. If I had not put the embellishment on the end he might have found them, and Masons are not very nice so I would not afflict him on them. This method should be used in secret so that people will not know how you impress a depressed person, he was told and was not very happy about it. Still, it was an international proof of concept.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



17 February 2025


On Illegal Immigration


I wrote to UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer about my tips for reducing illegal immigration. My brain washing method on my website can persuade all criminals caught to tell the truth, which should soon break criminal gangs, it has been used on criminals before. (And some Conservative MPs too.)

Prison chaplains play an MP3 file of logical progression to all those wishing to learn, it increases IQ up to 1,000, the prisoners then stop reoffending as they can think of legal ways to make lots of money. Perhaps all prisoners should listen to it before being released in order to protect the general public.

The last time I heard 80% of illegal immigrants to this country come from Albania. Posting this MP3 file to a few hundred random women in Albania will increase their GDP by 5%, enough to stop people wanting to leave for a better job. The late Queen used to do this before visiting deprived areas. We just need to send enough. Those that are already here can be sent into our schools to teach logical progression to our children, a nation of inventors will soon solve the climate crisis.

The UK uses the five Buxton Coefficients of Unemployment to create full employment, we need to persuade the Albanian government to use them all as well, along with a decent minimum wage, so that people do not want to leave for economic reasons. These five inventions have the power to end absolute poverty on the planet, see ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown for details.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



25 January 2025


Cheap Backup Energy Source for Our Renewable Energy World


Napalm burns at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1,200 °C (1,470 to 2,190 °F) whereas

Petrol burns at 280 °C (536 °F)


While the chemical structure of napalm is complicated it is easy to make, one part polystyrene to two parts petrol. I experimented as a school boy and found just one small sphere of polystyrene with a little petrol in an ash tray heated our sitting room to such a degree that clothes had to be taken off until the room gradually cooled. Each ash tray could only be used once, I did think to test this. I got a team to help a lady in Canada whose heating had failed during winter. She had to keep warm and not sleep for ten days, and we kept her talking and heated by napalm. Fortunately the lady had enough ash trays, or I would have had to find out how many times a saucepan could be used before failing. Another contact, from the Ukraine this time, again in an online newspaper asked about heating, and napalm in saucepans (ten times only) is now used all over war-torn Ukraine. Because napalm burns at much higher temperatures lower quantities of fuel could be used in converted fossil fuel power stations to create cleaner energy for times when renewable energy is in short supply, even with back up batteries. The Soviet Union added various chemicals to the napalm to get up to the heat of a nuclear explosion, 100 million degrees Celsius, so this could replace the forever twenty years away dreams of fusion energy, and much more cheaply. Napalm was invented as a weapon, now we can use it for peace time energy, turning swords into ploughshares.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton








14 January 2025

Writing to Yourself

I once read an interesting article in ‘New Scientist’ magazine about how you feel better all day if you write a letter to yourself from someone you admire. Opening your letter from your idol is a mental health boost. I gave the idea a go and can confirm the research. I went one step further, and wrote a letter to myself from Adolf Hitler congratulating me on my work for Fascism in this country, I detest the man and it really ruined my day. So keep to people that you admire!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




13 December 2024

Women say cuddling can be better than sex

A gentle cuddle with a woman while your stomachs breath in deeply together until asked to stop is rated better in a marks out of ten than the best sexual experience that they have ever had. Post Sex also ranks higher than the real thing.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




26 November 2024


Funding the Climate Crisis

Papua New Guinea did not even go to COP19, which raises only a third of what is needed, because they were so sceptical about us finding a funding method for the climate crisis. I have two methods of funding the climate crisis that can keep global heating to 1.5 degrees and I have written to their Prime Minister about it.

1) The scourge of mental illness costs the UK alone £300 billion a year, and can be cured in thirty seconds by First Aiders trained in the Kadir-Buxton Method.

2) In 2016 the entirety of world military expenses totalled up to more than 1.6 trillion dollars. If we could have a peace plan that ran this down to zero, and spent the money on a world wide low carbon plan we would soon achieve our targets that we have to achieve.I campaign to have all countries cede all of their armed forces in agreed stages, to a democratically elected United Nations, until war becomes impossible; as discussed in the peace treaty between the USSR and USA that ended the Cold War by the US agreeing to cut WMD in return for democracy in Eastern Europe. The money saved can be spent on the climate crisis.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



14 October 2024

Make Love Not War

When two sexual acts are done at the same time they often cause a religious experience, my cystitis cures webpage has two, and my Post Sex and Safe Sex Methods used at the same time, but also there is penetration, or hands free masturbation on my menstrual cramps webpage, at the same time as inner labia are pulled downwards for five minutes (slightly longer if the woman has Diabetes or is on mental illness medication.) My cystitis relief webpage earned Oxfam £1 million towards water wells from Professor Brian Cox when they showed the phenomena of time dilation at the same time. As a Christian I like to dig water wells in developing nations.

So time your religious experiences with these various inventions. And say a prayer for me while you are at it!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton






The Futility of Nuclear Energy

31 August 2024


A factor of 10 cost escalations are not uncommon when building a nuclear power station. They take 1.6 million tonnes of steel and 14 million tonnes of cement for each power station. 500 to 1000 acres. If the UK wants to continue supplying 20% of our electricity then we will have to build 10 new reactors.

The uranium has to be mined and milled. Each power station will need 16 million tonnes of rock to be mined per year. Sulphuric acid is the primary leaching agent to make yellowcake which then has to be separated into the various metals at a later date. The clearing up of the mining process needs four times the extraction energy to clean up the acidic and radioactive waste, according to Ceedata, and is not usually done. Ceedata says that it would take thirty times the energy to extract the uranium than it will ever generate, thus proving that we only have nuclear power stations in order to make nuclear weapons. U 235 is separated from U238, the latter is called depleted uranium and needs to be disposed of safely, instead it is stored on land. The US has 500,000 tonnes of depleted uranium in cool storage to prevent it becoming gas. Enrichment plants are highly toxic. Half a tonne of fluorine is used to turn one tonne of uranium into uranium hexafluoride. The global warming potential of fluorine and its halogenated compounds is nearly 10,000 times that of CO2. Pollution from the plants finds it’s way into our rivers. Radiation leaks also happen at the power stations, leading to more cancer patients.

5,000 years ago the English Channel did not exist, so where are we going to bury our nuclear waste for a million years? It is estimated to cost £100 million to decommission the Windscale gas cooled reactor nuclear. The project cost of a 3.5 MW Enercon E126 EP 3 wind turbine costs £3.13 million and we could have 32 of them for this kind of money.


Taken from The Ecologist June 2006


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


The Scourge of Mental Illness


28 July 2024


1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England according to Mind. The population of the UK is 67 million at the moment, so

16,750,000 patients are mentally ill in the UK at the moment, costing the country £300 billion a year. Thus the cost per patient in the UK is £17,910 per year and causes 605,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in total from medicine alone, or 36 KG of CO2 per mental health patient per year.

A Prius Hatchback produces 130-170 g of CO2 per mile, so the medication for a year is the equivalent of 212-277 miles per patient. Medicine makes up 4% of UK green house gas emissions, so an end to the scourge of mental illness will make a big difference for planet health.

British Gas says many homes do need extra work to get the best performance from a heat pump. After the £7,500 government grant, the average price for their customers in 2023 was £5,690.

The average solar panel system of 3.5kWp will cost around £7,000 to install, according to estimates from the Energy Saving Trust. To fit both a heat pump and solar panels would thus cost £12,690, £5,220 left to play with from the average mental illness bill per person. You could do an awful lot of offsetting at: for that kind of money. We could do a lot for the environment by paying the mentally ill to use the thirty second cure, the Kadir-Buxton Method. It would be far cheaper than the present day. Let us put an end to the scourge of mental illness. And until the NHS use this invention it can be learned by a loved one, neighbour, work colleague and local clergy. You know that it will save you money.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



An Open Letter to Sir Keir Starmer



29 June 2024

The next Labour Government are in a rush to get to get clean energy by 2030. Due to the last Conservative Government there are few onshore wind turbines in the UK, but their planning permission allows them to be made taller to take bigger blades, and if we add the maximum height allowed by the planning permission we can approximately triple the amount of electricity generated. And of course the infrastructure is already built so we can triple onshore wind turbine electricity in months. This is a win win as infrastructure takes a long time to put in, and at great expense. Great British Energy can hit the ground running by picking the lowest hanging fruit. Octopus Energy is already buying up 10% of our onshore wind turbines to heighten our onshore wind turbines, and we can do the other 90% by paying the owners to do the work, or nationalizing them.


By way of example:


Onshore wind accounting for 11% of electricity generated in UK in 2020, of a total supply of electricity in the UK in 2019 of 346 TWh. Thus 38 TWh is generated by onshore approximately and 95 TWh in 2020 from gas turbines. The UK has 32 gas power stations, each generating an average of 2.96875 TWh each. By tripling energy produced by onshore wind turbines by increasing their height would generate 38*3= 114TWh as the extra size of the blades would triple energy produced. This is an extra 76 TWh extra clean energy a year. This is 79/2.96875 or 29.6 polluting gas power stations shut down. How about shutting Drax power station too?


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



29 May 2024

Boosting Earthworm Numbers


‘The Daily Mail’ newspaper reports that “Earthworms could die out if urgent action is not taken.

Recent data suggests that the UK's earthworm population has decreased by a third over the past 25 years.

This decline is likely to have agricultural impacts, such as soil quality and crop yields. It could also spell disaster for thrushes, wading birds and small mammals that rely on earthworms for food.”

I have recently written to the UK’s first commercial Biochar producer, Carbon Gold, pointing out that my garden that I have put the most biochar on also has the biggest number of earthworms and they should do a study as it would be a big advertisement for the company if their study confirmed my observation. I maintain that we should biochar all organic waste, as it sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere into the soil as an improver for thousands of years. That it may also improve the soil due to increasing earthworm numbers is another reason beside slashing pollution from sewage farms in our rivers and seas.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




29 April 2024


The love of money is the root of all evil.

Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, and maintained that all Born Again Christians should give all their money to the poor. Rich people can be uncharitable, but my brain washing method on my website can cure the love of money, and lead to works of charity. With this invention the rich have a chance of redemption.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




29 March 2024

The true cost of mental illness is not worth paying


The Centre for Mental Health gives the following cost figures for mental illness in 2022:

1. Economic costs (£110bn): Losses to the economy due to mental ill health. These

include the business costs of sickness absence and ‘presenteeism’ at work, as well as

staff turnover and unemployment among people with mental ill health.

2. Human costs (£130bn): The value, expressed in monetary terms, of reduced

quality of life among people living with mental health difficulties.

3. Health and care costs (£60bn): The costs of providing health and care services

for people with mental health difficulties. This includes support provided by public

services, privately-funded health care, and informal care provided by families and



And the figures are still rising, they are inversely connected to the reduction in hours of sleep we get, I have a webpage of insomnia cures, which cure mental illness in five nights; but the Kadir-Buxton Method cures in thirty seconds, we can replace the mental health system with trained practice nurses, first aiders, and loved ones. My invention has been found to work in the early 1980s by the NHS, while they refuse to use it the body count mounts. Since my invention in 1979 60,570 mentally ill people have killed themselves or someone else, this is a figure that should not be accepted by any civilised nation when there is a free and simple to use cure.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


23 February 2024


Putting out Fires in old Peatlands


Because peatlands are formed by water they are on the lowest land available. When they have been reclaimed they are susceptible to fire which burns underground and often cannot be put out by conventional means. When I was a child I found out that all farmers have their own drain digging equipment to manage the water on the farm. Teapot Hall Farm in Lincolnshire had some reclaimed peatland that caught fire, I suggested that my grandfather and uncle dug drains that would take all the rain from the local fields and aim it in the direction of the fire. As soon as it rained the fire was soon put out by an amount of rain water that the fire brigade would have found impossible to match. Since then I have put out several such fires, one on Adam Henson’s farm, he is a presenter on ‘Countryfile.’ When the peatland was first drained streams were cut into the land to take away the excess water, so these must be blocked before the drains are dug. There are often government grants to rewild land on farms so the farmer also gets paid for putting out the fire. Peat is made up of special water-absorbing mosses called sphagnum. These mosses love the wet and acidic conditions of our peatlands. As the mosses grow, they take in carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and lock it away in their plants cells.  So turning the old peatland back to peatland reduces the carbon footprint of the farmer, and it happens that often a sphagnum moss unknown to science is found, I have one named after me.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



24 January 2023


How to Survive Quicksand


A while ago TV program ‘Countryfile’ showed presenter Adam Henson use my method for escaping from quicksand and walking on quicksand. I had to write after hearing that the ash from the power station at Newport Wetlands Nature Reserve acts like quicksand in places. When stuck move your feet from side to side, either at the same time or alternatively, and walk upwards one step at a time until you are free. By moving your feet from side to side in this way you can walk across quicksand. I hope that you can publicise this invention that saves lives to the general population.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



13 December 2023

Bird Deaths from Energy Generation


The article “Stripy wind turbines could reduce fatal seabird collisions” in ‘New Scientist’ by Jason Arunn Murugesu looks at the bird deaths from wind turbines, and yet in Danny Chivers’s book: ‘Renewable Energy’ Figure 8.3 says that bird deaths per GWh for wind is 0.3, nuclear is double this, while fossil fuel is 9.4. Perhaps we can cut these polluting bird killer power station figures by surrounding them with stripy wind turbines!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



16 November 2023

Hydro Genie Makes Heat Pump Radiators Hotter

To help win the climate crisis we need our heating to be from efficient heat pumps, and there is a technical problem in that the radiators are not as hot as fossil fuel heated radiators. This is where Hydro Genie comes in, it is retrofitted to existing heating pipes and is wired to the control circuit.

Circulating water is the most inefficient part of a heating system. It contains dissolved oxygen that, when heated, forms as bubbles on the heat exchanger in a boiler. This acts like bubble wrap, slowing down heat transfer and producing rusty black sludge that clogs the system. A Hydro Genie System removes the dissolved oxygen to stop this happening. Using applied physics, fluid dynamics and electronics, it cleans, enhances and regulates the heat transfer to the circulating water in a central heating system. This also leads to up to 20% more heat being generated across the radiators. The savings on your heating bills, mean that Hydro Genie Systems quickly pay for themselves. For example, if you install a Platinum system (typically used in larger properties), then you could recoup the cost of installation in just four years or less.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



18 October 2023

Cat’s Cradle for both Virgins and Menopause


Virgins are sometimes operated on to make the entrance of the vagina looser, while menopausal women often find the friction of intercourse painful, I have a solution I call Cat’s Cradle. The entrance of the vagina is surrounded at all four points of the compass with the four fingers of your partner, who opens and shuts the vagina slowly more and more wider to stretch the entrance. Do this for five minutes (slightly longer for Diabetics and those on mental illness medication) until orgasm occurs, as this will cut pain by 80%. You should now be able to get two or three fingers into the vagina, there is less friction in intercourse, which should take longer. For a spiritual experience try gently rubbing the hymen or reconstructed hymen for five minutes.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


11 September 2023


Increasing Milk Productivity


Dairy cattle take up a lot of land that would be better spent on rewilding in this climate crisis. Not everyone wants to start using a dairy alternative but we can cut down on the number of cattle needed to produce our milk, and thus free up land. I found, when milking my grandfather’s goats as a child that I could set a record for milk production from one goat by rubbing the teat up and down while milking, the goat gets stimulated which increases endorphins, which in turn increases milk production. Queen Elizabeth II had a milking machine that did this while milking and found that the quantity of milk produced was increased by several factors, and the only thing that stopped the invention catching on with everyone was not many believed the figures. With this invention we can increase profits for the farmer in an industry that does not pay well, save land, and stop breading cattle with ever larger udders in an attempt to increase milk production.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


14 August 2023


The Virginity Diet

I have a fun diet tip for all women, orgasm burns 60-100 calories a time. Women, when they lose their virginity have up to 1000 orgasms afterwards and lose 9 pounds (4kg ) in weight. I came up with a method for doing so every time. Most of the nerves in the vagina are in the first 2.5 inches and by just putting in 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) of your partner or toy in causes 1000 orgasms every time. With this amount of weight loss per day excess weight can soon be burnt off.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



24 July 2023


Arthritis Relief

The Polio jab came out in the 1950s, to keep up immunity you have to keep having the jab, but it is more than worth it. As well as preventing the potentially crippling Polio, surveys done on those that first had the jab found that it cured or improved arthritis in many that had the jab. Both my grandfather and grandmother had the jab, and what was potentially going to be an operation cleared up within two weeks. So if you have arthritis or know someone who has then get them to have the Polio jab, it could save a lot of suffering.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



26 June 2023

Banking Should Clean Up It’s Act


Due to the amount of money that traditional banks invest in fossil fuels if you have £1 million stashed in these banks you can do more for your carbon footprint by moving it into an environmental bank such as Triodos than doing other things such as fitting solar panels and heat pumps. And when you transfer your assets let your old bank know why you are leaving, it may make them think about what they are doing. At the moment the 744,500 customers of Triodos in five European countries are providing £9.4 billion of loans to projects across Europe, benefiting both people and planet. Meanwhile, Barclays bank alone financed £4.1bn for new fossil fuel projects from January 2021 to the eve of the UN climate summit, COP 27, Market Forces found, despite growing international warnings that any new fossil developments would destroy any chance of avoiding a catastrophic climate breakdown.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


19 May 2023


Fossil Fuel Ecocide


Air pollution deaths from fossil fuel per year is 3.6 million at the moment. Some of these deaths are due to venting, the cleaning of fossil fuel power stations, when the wind blows out to sea. After some campaigning venting warnings are given by UK government when errors made in wind forecast mean the badly polluted air is blown in the wrong direction. Venting kills children, OAPs, and the infirm whenever it is done, and the casualty rate goes up when the wind turns unexpectedly. Death Certificates never mention venting being the cause of death. And it is not just humans that are killed in this way, there is a lot of publicity about wind turbines killing 0.3 birds per GWh, and yet fossil fuel power stations kill 9.4 birds per GWh ( Nuclear and CSP kills 0.6 birds per GWh ).

So keep on campaigning for international laws on Ecocide, it happens in your country too.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



24 April 2023


Armed Forces are the Answer to Fossil Fuel Greed


Several major studies have shown that the vast majority of existing fossil fuel reserves must remain underground to avoid climate breakdown. Many observers argue that getting off fossil fuels, through cheap renewables and efficiency, is the fast and permanent solution to high energy prices. And yet the short term oil and gas exploration plans of such fossil fuel companies have increased 20% since 2021, according to the NGOs’ analysis at a time when experts say that all fossil fuels must be left in the ground. This is a climate crisis, the fossil fuel companies will not cease production voluntarily, and so our armed forces we pay for with are taxes must protect citizens from fossil fuels by shutting down these polluters, just as they shut down slavery.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton






9 April 2023



Law and Order, don’t do what they ought to.


During the last Labour Government Paul Boateng MP got the police to use normal language when dealing with the general public instead of highfalutin legal language used by the legal profession and this lead to less crimes being committed because the majority of us were now able to understand what the police were talking about and were able to comply. However, with the drop in crime police chiefs were having to cut the number of police officers to tally with the crime figures, and were thus forced to use highfalutin legal language to increase the crime rate in order to keep the number of officers up. This farce should not be allowed to happen, if extra police officers are on the force then they should be allowed to be put on cases that are not being followed at the present time. Because prisons are always nearly full we can reduce the numbers going to prison if those arrested were allowed to attend a logical progression course as an alternative to prison. Prison chaplains already use logical progression recordings to increase the IQs of prisoners to stop them reoffending, this should be extended to all prisoners, and those who get arrested. Logical progression is taught in public schools in the UK (public schools are private in the UK for some reason) and there is no good reason for not extending it to all schools so that all children leaving the educational system have an IQ of 150, this would allow us to think our way out of the climate crisis.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



4 April 2023


Be of Good Cheer

The Bible teaches us that we should be cheerful. As a child I saw a TV program where an actor explained how to cry on camera, they thought of a sad experience and cried over that experience on cue. This gave me the idea for keeping happy by thinking of something happy, such as times with friends and family. Now I often get asked why I am smiling by people who are jealous of this ability. I have used my brain washing method to transplant good memories to miserable people, once transplanting one of my memories to a very grumpy Brian Mawhinney MP on live TV, and he cheered up remarkably until someone told him that his memory was not his. (so keep it a secret)


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


9 January 2023


Saving the Swedish Reindeer from Extinction


Glen Tyler’s research suggests that reindeer will try to stay several kilometres away from power lines, as the sparks from the power lines frighten them. This threatens the livelihood of Sami herders in northern Europe, who are struggling to find enough land to graze their reindeer. As a result, some groups of herders have started to sue the power companies and have received compensation, says Glen Tyler, who has acted as an expert witness for the herders.

With the anatomical discoveries of Glen Tyler, and known seasonal changes in natural light, the deep blue of the reindeer’s tapetum in winter started to make sense. In the polar winter, the sun is permanently out of sight. But for a few hours a day, it rises close enough to the horizon for shorter wavelengths of light to be scattered by the atmosphere onto Earth’s surface, creating a kind of twilight. “It is a totally blue-saturated environment,” says Glen Jeffery – and it also contains a relatively large amount of UV light.

The evolved changes to the lens and cornea of reindeer eyes allow the retina to receive this light – but even then, the low levels of illumination would make vision difficult. The deep blue colour of the tapetum, however, enhances its reflectance at those shorter wavelengths, so more light is scattered back through the retina.

I saved the Canadian Caribou from extinction when they refused to cross the ground where an oil pipe line had been buried. The Canadian Prime Minister asked for help internationally because if the Caribou did not get to their breeding ground they would go extinct. We simply took the calf from the matriarch and put it in the back of a truck, the matriarch followed the truck, and the herd followed the matriarch. Once the caribou had crossed they did so every year, the same trick works for elephants, and no doubt will work for the reindeer of the Sami herders too. The Prime Minister was so pleased that he said I could join any ethnic Canadian tribe that I liked; I chose Mohican, a once extinct tribe, and now own their lands, which is half of Canada!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




New Scientist Letter                                                                                                                                          

3 December 2022



Mealworms are an answer to ‘compostable’ plastics


12 November, p16

From Andrew Kadir-Buxton, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

I read your report on problems with compostable plastic. A friend of mine tried to compost such plastic and found it didn’t break down. I suggested adding some mealworms to his compost and the plastic was soon eaten. This is scalable, and perhaps the adult mealworms could be turned into pet food at the end of the process.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



23 September 2022


Replacing Private Cars With Public Coaches


Dr. Alan Storkey submitted to the UK Transport Committee Inquiry into Bus Services in 2006. In it Alan says that buses have not been part of an integrated transport policy. The advantages of buses are important, By bunching journeys they economize on road space use in crowded areas, cut fuel consumption and greenhouse gases, and by addressing congestion, they also reduce the fuel consumption of other vehicles. Potentially they are crucial for green, uncongested travel.

The problem is that buses are underutilised because they are rarely used for long journeys and this explains our inability to replace car journeys with buses. They save road space by a factor of 15 to 20 by putting passengers on one vehicle and can cut traffic on heavily used areas on road journeys. Because they are smaller than trains their can be more of them picking up more often. Coach stations need to be moved to motorways and major trunk road intersections; this would avoid city centre congestion. This would also involve priority lanes for the buses. The UK, with it’s high population density should be ideal for this journey gathering road based system. Buses transport passengers to the coaches, which then do not lose speed going into the centre of town. Traffic lights would respond to a radio frequency which would grant the coaches priority at junctions and roundabouts, just like ambulances do. Because of breaking distances the M25 can carry 15-20,000 passengers in cars or 260,000 in coaches. Alan says this would cost £1 billion to implement, which is 27% of the price of widening the M1 alone. As coaches are safer and cleaner than cars there is less of a health issue than cars. George Monbiot goes further to say it would only work with the capping and rationing of the carbon we use and the road space we use.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



14 September 2022


Campaign to Save 13,500 Trees a Day


27,000 trees a day are used to make toilet rolls. Half of the tree in a toilet roll is the unnecessary cardboard holder, we can halve tree loss to toilet rolls by stopping the use of the inner cardboard re-enforcer, toilet rolls hold their form without one. I once purchased a toilet roll that had no cardboard reinforcer through an assembly mistake, it was fine without one.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


14 August 2022


Buxton Geothermal Turbines are Coming


Buxton Geothermal Turbine Generators ( 10 kilometre deep lined and capped water wells ) have become a little closer to being mainstream with two new methods for digging deeply that use millimetre-wave beam technology or ultra-high temperature plasmas to get through tougher rocks and depth and with speed. ‘New Scientist’ point out that as well as being cheap they can convert existing nuclear and fossil turbine generators, so keeping all the exisitng infrastructure, which works out cheap. Both methods use an adapted drill bit combined with these new technologies. Until now, the problem has been that once past the sedimentary rock constituting the first few kilometres of Earth’s crust, drillers hit granite or basalt that is five to 10 times harder and resistant to standard techniques.

Millimetere-wave beams are vasitly more powerful microwave oven waves, which can vaparise rock, which is the Quaise Energy plan. GA Drilling is using ultra-high temperature plasmas. The amount of energy generated will depend simply on how wide the bore holes are.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


3 August 2022

A Clean and Healthy Environment for All

In an historic decision, the UN General Assembly has just adopted the resolution to universally recognize the right to a clean and healthy environment for all that was campaigned for by indigenous peoples and organisations from around the world. I hope that this is the beginning in rights-based environmental policy. The resolution is based on a similar text adopted last year by the Human Rights Council. The UN Secretary General welcomed this historic decision in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, he said: “The resolution will help reduce environmental injustices, close protection gaps and empower people…”

The UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, says: “Today is a historic moment, but simply affirming our right to a healthy environment is not enough. The General Assembly resolution is very clear: States must implement their international commitments and scale up their efforts to realize it. We will all suffer much worse effects from environmental crisis, if we do not work together to collectively avert them now.”


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



15 July 2022

Ripple Energy and co op Wind Turbines


On 3 February 2021 I blogged about the world’s first co op wind turbine in Wales, it is now built and the dividend for shares is paid by a cut in your energy bill from Octopus Energy. Ripple are now building another co op wind turbine in Scotland; and have a corporate plan to build in Ireland and Australia as well. You can purchase shares up to 110% of your energy needs and it is cheaper and simpler than solar panels. So look Ripple Energy up with Ecosia!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



12 June 2022

Cutting Wet Wipe Use

Wet wipes are being found to block the sewer pipes when used in the toilet and are not biodegradable. They are unneeded, all you have to do in order to keep your clothes clean from waste is spit on the last piece of toilet paper that you use, the toilet paper does not block the sewers, and biodegrades. And this method will save you money that you can spend on other environmental products.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




18 May 2022

Clumsy Attacks

Scientists have found that if you are suffering from a spate of clumsiness, it is because the wrong side of the brain is in charge when you wake up, as soon as I notice this I concentrate on the left side of my brain, as I am right handed this is the side of the brain that is in charge usually. This soon helps me get over the clumsy attack.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




16 March 2022

 World Wide Environmental Peace Plan

Dear All

This is not my peace plan by any means, I read it in a science fiction book in the 1970s. Basically, armed forces have to use the weapons that they had the previous year, so old designs come back into fashion every year, while tomorrow's weapons never arrive. This is worked out by all clocks being made to run backwards.

As all clocks tick backwards we begin to live history, but with a cleaner and more peaceful environment. By 1945 only one country will have nuclear weapons, and only two of them. Environmental peace plans will be able to continue, but instead of nuclear power stations we will instead have water guzzling Buxton Geothermal Turbine Generators. The rest is made up of insulation by Starlite and funny putty by solar and wind, which is cheaper than anything else new for old. Cooling is by Starlite, and Firepaste; and fans using the wind chill factor. All countries on the planet are required to surround their two biggest cities with native trees in equilateral triangles of native species, even though this will require a life time of precious fresh water.


“At least another 41% cut in CO2 emissions can be realised if we convert all houses and industries to near zero-carbon emissions. This does not have to be expensive. The cheapest and simplest method would be to paint the surfaces of all rooms with Starlite, invented by Maurice Ward; this would prevent heat escaping and so minimise heating requirements. As far as I am aware, the secret formula for Starlite was passed onto his immediate family members so has not been lost by his tragic death. Starlite can also prevent heat loss with attempts to store energy with molten salt, and Economy 7 radiators. If we can store all the excess capacity of electrical generation at night then we can cut the number of power stations needed so storage of energy is important. Maurice Ward Information


(This figure assumes that 80% of heating is by gas, and that domestic gas use is 29%, and industry heating is 22% of total energy consumption.)


An alternative to Starlite is Firepaste, invented by Canadian Troy Hurtubise, we were looking for financial backing for lab time so that he could make a household paint out of it when he died, a great tragedy not only for friends and family, but for the environment as well. RIP. As both Maurice and Troy said that they made their inventions out of household products I am attempting to get a government lab set up to recreate their inventions. 

If you look at this YouTube video

you will find the the likely components are 90% corn starch and 10% baking soda mixed into a putty using PVA glue. There may have been other components as well, because it has been made into a spray paint, and paint. You will need to crack the formula in order to make use of passive temperature control of buildings. You might even be able to improve upon them both.”



All world religions are going to help out by having one child policies.


The Canadian politician who promised Greta Thunberg a billion trees, will be able to do 15% better by planting them in equilateral triangles, on land owned by the Mohican Tribe, whose chief was made a Mohican some decades ago for saving the Canadian caribou from extinction. The Chief wishes to remain anonymous for sociological reasons.


All villages with over one thousand population will be required to have a working solar powered rechargeable, recharger, kettle come urinal for fresh water for all, and a commitment to a vegan sausage a day for all under the age of 18. This will give time for International Rescue to intervene in any crisis ASAP.


Water wells will be fitted into every village that needs one by Oxfam and WaterAid etc. This will quadruple food production, and bring the birth rate down to Western levels within three months.


And for funding, we can make any coinage using money from inventions on my website, let us all agree to ban cash and shares as excessive and too open to abuse.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton







18 February 2022

Clean Electricity in Eight Years (continued)


Nearly two years ago I posted my plan on the We don’t have time website to give the UK clean electricity in eight years by building wind turbines in all constituencies paid for by spending fossil fuel subsidies on wind turbines instead. This plan I sent him did not warrant a response from my MP Grant Shapps but Octopus Energy has taken up the plan. I have just written to Grant Shapps MP saying that he should ensure that the £12 billion spend plan on new nuclear weapons that we cannot use should be given to Octopus Energy instead but do not expect a reply from him in the next two years. The speed of action by a politician is incompetent when we only had ten years to sort the climate crisis in the first place.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



9 February 2022

Cystitis Relief using the Pissgasm


The NHS says of cystitis: Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by a bladder infection.

It's a common type of urinary tract infection (UTI), particularly in women, and is usually more of a nuisance than a cause for serious concern.

Mild cases will often get better by themselves within a few days.

But some people experience episodes of cystitis frequently and may need regular or long-term treatment.

There's also a chance that cystitis could lead to a more serious kidney infection in some cases, so it's important to seek medical advice if your symptoms do not improve.

Pain in urination can be overcome using the Pissgasm, when you go to urinate just do a reverse Kegels, breath out, and then let go. The sensation of urinating is pleasure rather than pain, notice the pupils of your eye go small, rather than large in a conventional orgasm.

The Pissgasm can be used at the same time as the Orgasmic Nose for a religious experience.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



15 January 2022

Insomnia Relief


My grandfather, Bill Clark, used to say that there is nothing as good as the sleep of the just, except the sleep of the just after. If you wake up again repeat the dosage, you cannot overdose. After five nights of good sleep you should be reprogrammed to sleep unaided.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


16 November 2021


Biochar Can Save Our Rivers


With the UK getting more rainfall, in heavier amounts due to climate heating, the sewage works are increasingly having to dump untreated sewage into the rivers, which in turn pollutes the sea too. The cost to stop this illegal discharge is considered too expensive by the water companies responsible, so they take the fine imposed by the government of the day rather than invest. But investment does not have to be too much; trees take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and so can humans if we just employ some ancient technology, biocharing. It does not have to be just humans that do this, we can also biochar animal waste from our farms.

It has been found that biocharing at sewage works stops 95% of the contraceptive pill getting into the rivers and sea, which is at the moment causing male fish to have sex changes, and even lay eggs. Due to the climate crisis we are going to have to biochar all organic waste that cannot be recycled. Australian Minister for Primary Industries, Ian MacDonald, says: "Products like paper mill waste, green waste, animal manures or other biomass can be recycled by heating to 550 degrees C in the absence of oxygen, generating electricity and biochar. Recent studies have found a 150% increase in corn yield when biochar is applied at the rate of 20 tonnes to the hectare."

Adding biochar increased soil nutrients. And also biochar could retain soil nutrients in a long term. Biochar addition to soil is also well known to increase its water retention, and to regulate the soil pH, with flash flooding becoming more common water retention is going to be more useful over time.

Producing biochar might even offset the need to install conventional sewage-treatment infrastructure with its higher construction and operation costs.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




9 November 2021

Oranges for Constipation


Chronic constipation can be fatal, but I have found that something as simple as eating six oranges, and then staying near the toilet is a natural and fast solution.



Yours faithfully




14 August 2021

An Open Letter To Prime Minister Boris Johnson

(Posted on the “We Don’t Have Time” App)


I am writing to you after reading that the Conservative Government are spending a paltry 0.01% of GDP on the climate crisis, which could even change the shape of the UK, and yet spend 2% of GDP on the armed forces, which are of little use in the climate crisis. You are failing the electorate. I have written to you on previous occasions saying how we could fund our war on climate crisis by either eradicating mental illness using the Kadir-Buxton Method, or have an international agreement to cede all armed forces to the UN in agreed stages until war becomes impossible; yet you seem to have chosen to do neither, and have not even bothered to tell your electorate why not. You must do better, our house is on fire and you chose to throw teaspoons of water on it.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


18 July 2021



The concept of ecocide as an international crime originated in the 1970s, after the use of Agent Orange by the United States during the Vietnam War devastated the local people and wildlife.

A few nations have codified ecocide as a crime. Activities that might constitute ecocide in these nations include substantially damaging or destroying ecosystems or by harming the health and well-being of a species, including humans.

Ecocide has not yet been accepted as an internationally punishable crime by the United Nations.

“The rules of our world are laws, and they can be changed. Laws can restrict or they can enable. What matters is what they serve. Many of the laws in our world serve property - they are based on ownership. But imagine a law that has a higher moral authority… a law that puts people and planet first. Imagine a law that starts from first do no harm, that stops this dangerous game and takes us to a place of safety….” Polly Higgins, 2015

“We need to change the rules.” Greta Thunberg, 2019

Right now, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) lists four crimes:

  • Genocide

  • Crimes Against Humanity

  • War Crimes

  • Crimes of Aggression (recently added) 

The Statute can be amended to add a fifth crime: ECOCIDE. 

Unlike suing and fining corporations (who simply budget for this possibility), making ecocide a crime creates an arrestable offence. It makes those individuals who are responsible for acts or decisions that lead to severe environmental harm liable to criminal prosecution.

If you would like to do something about Ecocide please visit:



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



22 June 2021


Environmental Peace Plan


In 2016 the entirety of world military expenses totalled up to more than 1.6 trillion dollars. If we could have a peace plan that ran this down to zero, and spent the money on a world wide low carbon plan we would soon achieve our targets that we have to achieve.

Such a plan was discussed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan as part of the peace plan which ended the Cold War. We need CND and the environmental movement to actively campaign for such a plan, which is:


To have all countries cede all of their armed forces in agreed stages, to a democratically elected United Nations, until war becomes impossible; as discussed in the peace treaty between the USSR and USA that ended the Cold War by the US agreeing to cut WMD in return for democracy in Eastern Europe.


This is a peace plan that can work, and would leave most of the world’s population unharmed by the climate crisis.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



19 April 2021

Maximum Density Forests


Japan’s most famous botanist Akira Miyawaki has inspired a fast-growing tiny forest revolution in Asia and now in Europe. The goal is to restore a patchwork of native forests throughout urban areas, where they have almost entirely disappeared. A piece of land the size of a tennis court can be planted with 600 native trees.

You’ve heard of ‘food deserts‘ in densely populated cities… hand in hand with this problem are ‘forest deserts.’

Earthwatch says such tiny forests are capable of attracting more than 500 animal and plant species within the first three years and use no chemicals or fertiliser.

Local councils are to spend our money in this climate crisis, and I am sure that they can find a small piece of derelict land that could do with revamping for a pittance.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


6 March 2021


Women’s Rights are a Pillar in the Climate Crisis Fight


The “Drawdown” project says that the best way of cutting CO2 emissions is to educate women, supply them with contraceptives, and give them land rights.

Women who are educated tend to have less children, and later in life which both bring the population increase down, provided their government and agencies provide enough contraceptives for all.
The cheapest form of education would be a website with logical progression MP3 files in all languages for free download. The ancient Greeks used this IQ boost to improve their life skills and a modern woman today, given the IQ of a MENSA member for free would be more able to live in our climate crisis. A large donation from our overseas spending department, the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office would be able to kick off enough legal action to ensure that all governments are soon supplying cheap contraceptives and giving property rights to all women.

This initiative would not take much money, and in slashing CO2 emissions, would make life in the climate crisis a lot more survivable.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


3 February 2021

How to be paid for reducing your CO2 emissions.



1 Buy your share of the Ripple wind farm and pay for construction.


2 Octopus Energy and Co op Energy buy your energy at operating cost.


3 Energy is supplied by the grid.


4 Savings are passed onto your bill automatically.


Applicants should note that they are supporting clean energy, and not doing so for large profits; reducing your carbon footprint is what this is about.

You'll get a discount on your electricity to reflect the low cost of the electricity from your wind farm. You'll still pay your bill like you would a regular tariff. The average operating life of a wind turbine is 20-25 years.

When you read up on it green tariffs on energy are not necessarily green but Ripple means that it definitely is.


An average investment of £1880 would reduce my energy bill of 2900 kw per year by 25% over 25 years, giving a saving of £3267 in all.


More projects are coming and you can pay as little as £25 a month for five months.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



20 January 2021

How to Suppress a Cough


The Long Covid clinics in the UK are giving the following advice which is not known about by the general public, and needs publicity. To suppress a cough apply positive pressure by putting your hand over your mouth, swallow, hold your breath for five seconds, and then breath gently through the nose. Please inform everyone that you know.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


6 January 2021


How to Dry a Wet Dog


When dogs get wet they come back to their owner and shake all the water off, getting their owner covered in dirty water at the same time. Slow motion recordings of a dog shaking off the water reveal that the shake starts at the base of the tail. Thus, to keep dry while your dog gets dry too place one hand on the base of the tail on the back to stop the shaking from starting and dry your dog with a towel in the other hand. The dogs do not mind this method of getting dry.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




20 December 2020


Helping the Food Banks


In the UK the Food Banks are having a hard time trying to feed the poor at the moment, but there is a free way that we can help. Supermarkets have BOGOF deals where you buy one item and get another free, we can thus search the supermarket and buy all the BOGOF deals, giving half away to the Food Banks when we have finished shopping. This will call for your cooking skills to use produce that you are not used to but is something that most people can deal with. The BOGOF deals are usually over 50% cheaper, so you will find enough money left over for some cheap toys for the children that are reliant on Food Banks.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




11 November 2020


Kangaroo Kare


It can be difficult to get babies to stop crying, which is not easy to deal with for a tired parent. My sister had this problem with her first child. As I had found that listening to my girl friend’s heart sent me to sleep fast I suggested to my sister that she shove the baby up her jumper and put his ear next to her heart, the baby fell to sleep fast. The spelling of this invention was normal in musical culture at the time, but some medics, without my permission, now spell it correctly.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton





25 October 2020


Improving Tea Bag Tea


Heat rises, so the best way to maximise flavour is to push the new teabag to the bottom of the mug, before maximising the mix by stirring changing stirring direction of the spoon five times for a total of ten rotations each time, to ensure that the hot water is stirred round well, and flavour concentrated. I find any more stirring does not effect taste any further. Finally, and most taste testers I have met agree, squeeze the tea bag into the cup to ensure the tannins get into the cup. Once you have tested my method, please feel free to write to the tea bag manufactures, in addition telling them you would like a plastic free tea bag next time you buy. Thanks.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


11 October 2020

An Aid to Learning Mathematics


When presented with a mathematics problem to solve say to your mobile phone: “Hay google, read out the question=2, refute.” Your phone will then give you the correct answer along with the way that the question was answered. Ask a few more similar questions by changing the variables or asking more similar questions in the text book and you will soon find that you have learned how to work out the answer yourself.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




​​September 2020


Eliminating Stinky Urine


The NHS website gives various advice on what to do when you suddenly have stinky urine, some of which you should see your Doctor about. The NHS website does not, however, give information as to how to get rid of it. I have cured several people over the year by recommending eating honey monster puffs (formerly sugar puffs) at breakfast, which give the urine a nice sweet smell instead.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



15 August 2020


Support The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill



This is a Private Members Bill (PMB). Many PMBs remain as a campaign tool, but it is possible to gather enough support inside and outside of Westminster so that they pass, like the successful campaign for the Climate Change Act (2008). This is why we need your support.


The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill calls for:

  • the UK to make and enact a serious plan. This means dealing with our real fair share of emissions so that we don’t go over critical global rises in temperature

  • our entire carbon footprint be taken into account (in the UK and overseas)

  • the protection and conservation of nature here and overseas along supply chains, recognising the damage we cause through the goods we consume

  • those in power not to depend on technology to save the day, which is used as an excuse to carry on polluting as usual

  • ordinary people to have a real say on the way forward in a citizens’ assembly with bite


This bill has been developed with members of Extinction Rebellion, members of the successful Big Ask campaign that led to the Climate Change Act, and Power for People. The CEE Bill has been written with contributions from prominent scientists and academics.


To join us please go to:


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



7 August 2020


An Improvement for Democracy


For some used to democracy just voting once a year is not enough, and like me you would like to be more active. Seth Wynes in his book ‘What you can do to reduce climate change’ states that politicians in Europe consider a petition to be number 7 on the list of things that would attract their attention. Some countries have a government website where the electorate are allowed to post petitions on subjects of their choice. In the UK there are 1,700 petitions on the site at the moment, if 10,000 sign then there is a government response, and if the petition gets up to 100,000 then it is debated in parliament. This is a definite improvement on democracy, although my self-funding low carbon plan never got listed because the person in charge of vetting the petitions claimed not to understand it! Still, out of 1,700 petitions there will be plenty that you agree with and would like to be taken seriously by the government and I recently signed over 200, so exercise your democratic voice and sign some yourselves.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




21 May 2020

We Need a Moore's Law for the Carbon Footprint of Computing


In the climate crisis we have to look at how to reduce the carbon footprint of our computing. This would involve minimising green house gasses at production, use, recycling, and deconstruction at end of life. Buying our products in carbon intensive China is a suicide mission, and we can be leading the way to getting a cleaner China by ensuring that our component producing companies use renewable energy to power construction, which is now cheaper than new build fossil fuels. Factory cooling can be most cheaply done by planting trees nearby rather than having air conditioning, as Google has found to good effect. As the United Nations is attempting to plant a trillion trees, every one counts; if we plant the trees in equilateral triangles we can plant 15% more trees. (for mathematical proof see:

We must now design our tech to use as little electricity as possible, and have a Moore’s law for efficiency instead of speed. Every time there is an increase in computer speed the software becomes sloppier, we can reduce future energy consumption by improving software design, minimalism must be made to be more important than “bell and whistles.” Do we need a new version of our favourite game every year when a new extra difficult level could be downloaded? Bloatware must be confined to the past.

Mobile phones are renowned for having a battery that lasts for two years, and those phones that you can replace batteries with often die soon afterwards, this cynical design flaw should be removed by law. Refurbished tech should become a standard, once we break free from the tradition of replacing our tech every three years for insurance purposes we can have a Luddite policy of producing replacement parts for old tech (have you tried to get a replacement motherboard for one that has failed only to find you need a new chip and RAM as well?) New tech and software should only be allowed if it can be proven to cut CO2 emissions in the medium term, and this would have the effect of keeping prices down.

All of these policies would help to spread computing into the developing world, either as new, refurbished or free.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



10 May 2020


Clean Electricity in Just Eight Years for Free Will Double Fresh Water Supplies


The UK Conservative Government gives £10.5 billion in subsidies from our taxes to fossil fuel companies each year, which equates to £16,153,846 per constituency. With an average of 70,530 constituents in each constituency this works out as £229 generously donated by our caring government per person which leads to more CO2 and more pollution.


The project cost of a 3.5 MW Enercon E126 EP 3 wind turbine costs £3.13 million, and if the subsidies were diverted to renewables we could have an extra wind farm of 5.16 wind turbines in every constituency every year, generating 18.06 MW per hour per year. 34.82 MW per hour is used by the average person in the UK per year, so our wind turbines would provide clean electricity to 8,766‬ more people in every constituency every year, in eight years every constituency would have clean electricity provided locally. As nuclear and fossil fuel turbine generators use 50% of our fresh water in the process of generating electricity having such a policy will also double fresh water sources, that are being increasingly stretched by global weirding.  Think Green. Think Clean.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



9 May 2020


Rapid Weight Loss in Men



My safe sex invention explains how a man’s prostrate gland can become orgasmic when squeezed one hundred times. An orgasm burns approximately 100 calories a day, so 100 squeezes a day will cause 9 pounds (4 kilograms) weight loss a week. As coronavirus is targeting those overweight, particularly men, this could be a real life saver, if you can get over the thought of it.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



23 April 2020


What to do if you are in an At Risk Group for Coronavirus


The coronavirus is targeting those overweight, with diabetes, and high blood pressure. Both being overweight and Type 2 Diabetes can be dealt with in the same way; Women with Type 2 Diabetes can be put into remission using my Orgasmic Nose Diet (the cumulation of my research for sexercise with ‘Mad Lizzy’, a TV star who got the nation exercising in the 1970s. It is the world's first fun diet) Once women have an orgasmic nose they can lose 9 pounds (4 kilograms) in weight a week with 100 strokes of the nose a day. Women can also lose weight using the pissgasm; at urination breath out, do a reverse Kegel (open the vagina with muscular control) and then let go. Men can use the Anti-Calorie diet to lose weight fast. The fastest treatment for high blood pressure is the Tension Sheet, which I invented while still at school and which acts in minutes. The Tension Sheet is also good for those suffering mental health issues in lockdown. In the event that you do get coronavirus then you will be best advised to look at how 40 million lives were saved with my Respiratory Tract Treatment routines for Swine Flu in 2009.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



13 April 2020


How to Roll Dice to Your Advantage


It is possible to increase the total score of a dice rolled by 10%. I invented this method at infant school and it amazed the Head Master when I beat him in dice rolling, which mathematics says is not possible. The method is to roll the dice in a line after selecting the four faces that will roll, which are also the highest. When you roll the faces with a 6 and 5 you will find that the lowest numbers, the 1 and 2 are on either side. In a straight roll the 1 and 2 should theoretically not come up as much and so your score, on average, will be higher. This is a useful skill to know if you like board games.  


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



11 April 2020


How to Swallow a Tablet


Many people have difficulty swallowing tablets, but I have a simple method for doing this. Just take a mouthful of water, and then pop the pills into your mouth. The pills are heavier than water and so sink to the bottom of the water, once they hit the bottom simply swallow the water and the pills go down first. An added advantage is that you do not get to taste the medication first.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



5 April 2020


Anyone for Red Champagne?


Champagne is still recognised as an expensive luxury for most people, but a cheap substitute can quickly be made at home if you are an owner of a SodaStream device, which normally adds carbon dioxide to water in a process that ends up with fizzy drinks for children. In this case, we substitute the water for a cheap bottle of wine, and carbonate it using the SodaStream. This causes leaks so catch the leaks with a drip tray such as a plate. You will find that the carbon dioxide improves the flavour of the wine, but you will get better results by spending a little bit more on the wine. Home made “champagne” can be made from red wine, which is a first. Two glasses is the recommended intake for your inhibitions!


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



26 March 2020


Labour ‘Cobra’ Advice for Swine Flu in 2009 relevant to Covid 19 Sent to

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn


After a lot of campaigning in 2009 I persuaded the UK government emergency committee ‘Cobra’ to announce how to survive an infection of Swine Flu, I actually got my advice printed in ‘Private Eye’ magazine first! I calculated that it saved 40 million lives. The advice, and the reasons why, can be seen on my respiratory tract treatment subpage, and can be summarised as:


Simple Treatments for Colds, Flu, and Pneumonia



To summarise:

1) Breath deeply all day to prevent aching muscles which could lead to death.

2) Roll on your side to cough up a lung at a time of mucus, to prevent drowning.

3) Go to bed an hour earlier to increase your energy that you will need to fight with tomorrow.

4) Imagine doing exercises to increase muscle mass because your body will be using your muscles as energy.

5) Stay warm.


I have sent this advice to every embassy in London.


In addition, I have recommended in my emails to Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, that we use the Kadir-Buxton Method to cure all the mentally ill in thirty seconds in order to free up hospitals, wards, beds, and staff for coronavirus patients. The Kadir-Buxton Method is simple to learn and loved ones and first-aiders can learn it within forty five minutes.


Don’t die of ignorance.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



19 March 2020

Scientists and their work with Antivirals


When the US banned biological weapon research on US soil the CIA simply moved their laboratories to Africa, and this led to the escape of HIV into the environment, a ‘Panorama’ program revealed. The Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher was rebuked at the United Nations for using HIV as a method of assassination. The first scientist to announce that he was going to work on a cure for the virus, which would be a first, asked for ideas from around the world. I wrote to the scientist advising that Ayurvedic medicine had been using colostrum for Flu for thousands of years, so it would be an antiviral, and that he should look at the elements of colostrum that were antiviral; and he soon came up with a cure.

Now Covid 19 has escaped from a lab in China, (Professor Francis Boyle who drafted the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning biological warfare, says it escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, at a level four biosafety laboratory seven miles from the epicentre of the outbreak (see this article from the Daily Express) and this is a good pointer to an international ban on biological and chemical weapons being made and enforced, it was supposed to be stopped at the end of the Cold War, but it appears that all sides have been carrying on secret research too, so there are many virus escapes to come if we do not act. Class Actions against the perpetrators would be a start.

Research into new antivirals have not been as logical as hoped, another potential source for a drug is honey, many plants are also known for their anti viral properties, and we must look for the mechanisms that they use against viruses before global heating renders them extinct.

Three countries have cured Covid 19 with a cocktail of anti viral drugs, HIV, Flu, and Swine Flu. I would like to see all countries copy these successful methods.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



5 March 2020

On Cutting the Amount of Flooding Due to Global Weirding


While average forest cover across Europe is 37%, in Britain it is 13% , so we should plant plenty of trees, and we should plant them wherever we are likely to get flooding.

After Leeds was flooded they asked for ideas to stop this happening again, and I sent them the advice of Environmentalist George Monbiot, who went later to successfully argue his case. When it rains trees drive water into the soil, and thus slow down flooding, so we have to plant lots of trees upstream to lessen the effect of heavier rains, and less often, in the new age we have caused. His advise to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee was:


“Our bare hills are an artefact of three principal activities: sheep farming, deer stalking and grouse shooting. Sheep and deer selectively browse out tree seedlings, ensuring that existing forests cannot regenerate and trees cannot repopulate bare land.” Our new anti-flooding forests, filled with native trees planted in equilateral triangles to maximise crops, thus need protection from sheep and deer.

The landowners issued the threat of legal action after ministers started working on producing a law to ban them from carrying out the environmentally damaging practice on their moorland estates. The old heather is burned to expose new shoots – a source of food for grouse, whose numbers are boosted. The estates then charge people who want to shoot grouse. Environmentalists say that this releases CO2 into the atmosphere which harms both the wildlife and causes flooding and degrading. No doubt deer stalkers and sheep farmers will be threatening to sue as well, perhaps the government can employ them all to look after the new forests. We must triple the number of trees we have and these are the people in the right place and at the right time.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




8 February 2020


A Level Playing Field for the Environment


A question was once put to UK youth, how much money would you have to be paid to push the planet over the tipping point? The answer was: “Knowing politicians, 50 quid (£) and a prostitute.”

Upton Sinclair said: “ It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Boris Johnson, for example, had £50,000 put into his campaign for Conservative Party leadership by a climate denier, and has a fracker on his team, the fossil fuel industry gave his party £1 million into his General Election fund. (I would like to see it donated to Extinction Rebellion.) Boris now says that he does not “get” the climate crisis.

Leonardo DiCaprio's “Before the Flood” documentary outs US politicians for taking fossil fuel money, John Cornyn was bunged $2,979,856 for example, while Mitch McConnell got $1,914,220. Enough US politicians have been bought in the US to block all environmental policy. All are from the Republican Party.

Politicians in the UK boast how dirty politics is, while not giving us the figures. When Prime Minister David Cameron, of “Piggate” fame, boasted how many Conservative MPs were multi-millionaires, the Labour Party asked how many of them were even millionaires before they entered the House, we got no response.

In order to prevent the prostitution of our politicians I would like to see their income strictly monitored, both during and after they have left office, with them only getting what the electorate pays them in salary, all else being donated to a designated charity. The person best for a job is not the one that wants the highest salary, but the one that most wants to do the job. We can put in another level of security by insisting that all politicians take the same infallible personality test as the US Democratic Party to ensure that those who serve us are not self-serving.  


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



9 January 2020

Impeachment? War!


The US and UK committed genocide in Iraq, I warned Tony Blair that with modern weapons it would be hard not to commit genocide, but he went along with advice from the military industrial complex instead. When genocide occurred the politicians, rather than hand themselves over for trial, instead banned the word genocide from the press. Now there are tensions between the US and Iran with deliberate genocide a real possibility. However, I have a plan which could improve society over time.

I campaign to have all countries cede all of their armed forces in agreed stages, to a democratically elected United Nations, until war becomes impossible; as discussed in the peace treaty between the USSR and USA that ended the Cold War by the US agreeing to cut WMD in return for democracy in Eastern Europe. We can then spend the money saved on the climate crisis.  


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



2 January 2020


Tree Planting by Drone Could Help To Reach UN Target of a Trillion Trees


DENDRA, the makers of Sky Tractors (drones) say that they can plant 150 times faster than conventional methods and in hard to reach places, the land is scanned to ensure that the germinated seed pods are not wasted on such things as rocks and water, before planting starts, the Sky Tractors can be then flown several at a time (if the country permits this) for maximum speed. I have been in contact with Susan Graham CEO with a view to getting the Sky Tractors to plant in equilateral triangles in order to increase crop production by 15% (see Crow's Footing page).

My friend Don Shaw from Australia says: “ Woke up 2am to smell of smoke drifting  from fires,  Sounds bit like a California scenario.” and sent a photograph he took of the flames sky high. In the climate crisis land use is going to be critical, and also, tree rings around cities, towns, and villages, will keep the area cooler as trees give off water vapour, I have already got Google to cool their servers with trees, it works out cheaper than conventional electrical cooling. Beijing does not have to be the only city with a ring of trees.

The“Drawdown” book edited by Paul Hawken recommends silvopasture, which is planting trees in fields where animals graze, this provides shade, sequester carbon above and below ground, and cut farmer's costs for feed, fertiliser, and herbicides, it could save 31.19 gigatons of reduced CO2 for a cost of $41.6 billion with a saving of $699.4 billion. Managed grazing can also help. By breaking up fields into smaller areas with fencing, and then moving the animals on regularly the grass is not over cropped and gets time to grow back. “Drawdown” estimates that this would save 16.34 gigatons of CO2, would cost $50.5 billion, and would save $735.3 billion, so another obvious weapon in the hands of environmentalists.  



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


28 November 2019


Invention to Reduce Casualties due to Mud Slides Caused by Global Weirding


I wrote to organisers of a meeting in Rio de Janeiro after reading in the “WeDon'tHaveTime” app (every new user plants a tree thanks to with regards to getting technology that can cut deaths due to mud slides, which are increasing due to global weirding. As a young boy I climbed a mountain in the UK with my parents, there were loud creaking noises coming from the ground, no one on the mountain knew what they were. Then just a meter below me the soil came clean off the rock, slid down the mountain, and took out three coaches of Japanese tourists. Similarly, the mysterious creaking noises from a mountain in Wales a few years ago were reported by unknowing journalists, and this time I was prepared. With a few phone calls I was able to get the police to block off the area, local geologists from the nearest University were able to accurately predict how far the mud slide would go, and no lives were lost. We can have a low tech warning system just by getting people aware of this noise and getting them to report it to both the local University and police, educating with simple MP3 files, relatively cheaply. A second, more expensive layer of defence can be put up, with remote sound sensors programmed to listen out for this loud creaking noise, you will just have to record one first so that the sensor knows what to listen out for, hopefully governments would see fit to invest in such technology for their people.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



2 November 2019


How to walk a straight on a ship at sea


As a child I went on a sea ferry and was amazed at how difficult it was to walk in a straight line. I had been reading a martial arts book that said that in the early days they walked on the outer edges of their feet to toughen them up for kicking. In my experiments to walk in a straight line on the ship I thought this would be a good place to start, and got it in one. "Sea Dogs" were really impressed that I was walking in a straight line as they had not seen anyone do it in a lifetime at sea. A health warning must be given, doing too much too soon makes the feet ache, so start small and do more each day. And using ships is better for the environment than using aircraft to travel.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



8 October 2019


Charity is an Endorphin Buzz


It has been found that people get an endorphin high when doing charitable things, and also while listening to their favourite music. Here I suggest that you do both at the same time. Not everyone has the finances to give to charity, and not everyone has time to do some volunteering, if this sounds like you then I have an alternative that works. There is such a thing as “click to give” on the internet, you click a button and someone else makes a donation on your behalf. The website I suggest that you use has a variety of subjects that will interest anyone, Hunger and Poverty, Health, Education and miscellaneous, Environment, and Animals.

It can be frustrating to see the Amazon on fire, or your email inbox filling with requests for finances, but with we can both make a difference and improve are mental health. One lady I met online said that she managed to both donate $100 a day in this way and feel much better herself.

Another simple way to give is to make your search engine on both phone and computer, who also have an app, it plants a tree every time you do approximately 45 internet searches, or an average of 1 pound (0.45 KG) of CO2 reduction with every search. We cannot all afford to get arrested at Extinction Rebellion protests but we can both play our part, and get our endorphin boost with an activity that we would be doing anyway.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



4 September 2019

Dirty, Dangerous, and Expensive; Say No to Nuclear


Since 1954 nuclear power stations have been generating electricity for the grid. 65 years later scientists are no further forward when it comes to nuclear waste.

The Royal Navy has retired 20 nuclear submarines since 1980 and has still not come up with a safe way of disposing of the nuclear waste, and has not dismantled any of them. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) estimates that to do so would cost £7.5 billion over 120 years. In spite of their being no geologically safe location for the billions of years some of the nuclear waste takes to become safe the MoD wants to spend another £51 billion on new nuclear submarines that it then will not be able to dismantle. In the civil nuclear industry the waste disposal at least has to be looked at in the design stage, even though there is no way to do it; the MoD still does not have to. That governments and industries are allowed to build anything nuclear without any safe method of disposal shows us that decision makers are illogical and dangerous, this is a much bigger problem than even plastic and there are no signs of an enforceable international agreement to ban the nuclear industry until a safe disposal mechanism is invented, something that nuclear scientists in the field say is impossible. There must be a moratorium to agree that decision makers in the field have a minimum IQ of 150 so that this dangerous farce can end. This vast sum of money must be diverted to solving the climate crisis that will quickly get worse as we ride the 'hockey stick.'


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



25 July 2019


The Range of an Electric Vehicle Could be Better than a Fossil Fuel One,

Clean Long Range Transport is a Real Possibility

Professor John Cushman, Co-founder, IFBattery


A new type of electric vehicle power using “refillable” technology has taken another giant leap in advancing alternative energy with testing that shows it could provide enough energy to run a car for about 3,000 miles. The technology employs a novel type of “flow” battery that is being successfully tested in golf carts.

“The jump that this technology has made in the past two years is a testament to its value in changing the way we power our vehicles,” said John Cushman, Purdue University Distinguished Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and a Professor of Mathematics. “It’s a game-changer for the next generation of electric cars because it does not require a very costly rebuild of the electric grid throughout the US.  Instead, one could convert gas stations to pump fresh electrolyte and discard depleted electrolyte and convert oil-changing facilities to anode replacing stations. It is easier and safer to use and is more environmentally friendly than existing battery systems.”

The technology uses a patented technology that is safe and affordable for recharging electric and hybrid vehicle batteries by replacing the fluid in the batteries about every 300 miles through a process similar to refuelling a car at a gas station. Every 3,000 miles, the anode material is replaced, taking less time than is needed to do an oil change and costing about the same with an estimated cost of about $65.

“It is the full circle of energy with very little waste,” Cushman said. “IFBattery’s components are safe enough to be stored in a family home, are stable enough to meet major production and distribution requirements and are cost-effective.”

The used battery fluids or electrolytes can be collected and taken to solar farm, wind turbine or hydroelectric plant to be reused again. 

“It is the full circle of energy with very little waste,” Cushman said. This makes for a lighter and more efficient EV, and I look forward to a production car coming out at soon as possible. It also means ships and lorries could become clean, and possibly aircraft too.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




13 July 2019


Method for Disposing of Single Use Plastic Found


The 'Daily Mail' 11 July 2019 reports that single use plastic can now be turned into electricity and hydrogen, both important in a near-zero CO2 economy, it can be used on dirty or mixed plastic, and leaves no residue. The University of Chester, in partnership with PowerHouse Energy, has come up with the process and Waste2Tricity is the exclusive developer in the UK and South East Asia. They intend to stop plastic being dumped in rivers and oceans by making it valuable, paying $50 a tonne to be put in their kilns.

The process includes cutting the plastic into 5cm strips, the air is squeezed out, and heating it in a kiln at 1,000 degrees Centigrade which instantly melts and gasifies it. This syngas (synthetic gas similar to natural gas) has very low CO2 content and goes into a pressure swing absorption (PSA) which extracts hydrogen at two tonnes a day. The remainder of the gas is used to generate electricity in a gas engine. It is hoped that the patented technology will soon power the plant at Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, 7,000 houses on the grid in a day, and 7,000 hydrogen cars in two weeks. As excess energy from solar and wind turbines will have to be stored for peak use and for night time use, hydrogen is an instant way of providing such energy on demand, and the more the better. PowerHouse Energy say they have received a letter of support from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry about their DMG technology, which is the thermal conversion of carbonaceous organic materials, which is converting complex molecules into simple, safe, molecules. In the letter the Japanese Government Ministry said it considers the DMG technology has many environmental advantages, and views it as a major competitor within the low-cost production of hydrogen industry.

Professor Joe Howe, Executive Director of Thornton Energy Research Institute at the University of Chester said: “We are extremely excited to be hosting the prototype demonstrator here at the University of Chester. The technology converts all plastic waste into high quality, low carbon hydrogen syngas which can then be used to power gas engines. A by-product of this process is electricity, meaning waste plastic can not only fuel cars but can also keep the lights on at home. Surely the world must wake up to this technology. It will make waste plastic valuable with it being able to power the world's towns and cities, and most importantly, it can help clean up our oceans of waste plastic now.”



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



27 June 2019

Staying Cool in Global Weirding


One of the problems of global weirding is that we are frequently getting temperature records, while I would suggest to everyone getting a personal body cooler if they can afford it, there are many in the world who can not; for them I have a cheap solution, namely using the wind chill factor. This is the lowering of the body temperature due to the passing flow of lower temperature air. To use the wind chill factor to keep cool on a hot, and potentially dangerous day, just cover your naked flesh with cold water and stand in front of a fan until chilly. If you have done it too long you will feel a cold sting, so adjust the time in front of the fan you are using, which will vary from model to model.

With the death rates mounting due to record temperatures over record days this invention can save lives.   



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



30 May 2019


Reducing the Big Pharma Carbon Footprint by 80%+


Environmental engineers Lotfi Belkhir and Ahmed Elmeligi of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, set out to analyse the carbon emissions put out by big pharma. They found that pharmaceutical companies put out 13 per cent more carbon emissions making medicines than car manufacturers - despite having a market that is 28% smaller.

Drug manufacturers emit greenhouse gases directly into the atmosphere from their factories as a result of their production processes, and indirectly through power use.

Pharmaceutical companies put out 13 per cent more carbon emissions than car manufacturers despite having a market that is 28 per cent smaller.

In 2007, for example, researchers found that the US Healthcare sector accounted for eight per cent of the nation's total greenhouse emissions.

Drug manufacturers directly emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from their factories as a result of their production processes.

In addition, these companies produce emissions indirectly through the carbon dioxide emitted in the production of the electrical power which they use in their manufacturing systems.

Drug companies can also cause other forms of pollution, such as the accidental leak of medicines into the environment.

This all sounds bad in the climate crisis, but I have a simple solution. I have been attempting to get the NHS to use the thirty second cure for mental illness, namely the Kadir-Buxton Method, since the 1980s. As General Practitioners complain of being overworked, and 80% of their work is about mental health, we could cut the carbon footprint of medicine by 80% as well just by using my simple to learn invention. Until the medical profession are forced to use this invention we should be learning my Method so that every First Aider can quickly both cure the mental illness and offset their patient's carbon footprint.

The 'Daily Mail' states that 52 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2015 is due to Big Pharma, compared to the 46.4 megatonnes put out by the car manufacturing industry in the same year. I say we can reduce this by 80% to 10.4 megatonnes. This would also cut the number of animals tortured in medical experiments by a similar amount. These polluting companies should be made to offset the rest, the opposite side of the the carbon tax coin; which will take years for politicians to implement. A survey of surveys found that an untreated mental patient takes an average of five years to become sane again while those taking modern medicine take an average of six years these medicines should be regarded as a poison anyway. (you will be hard pushed to find this survey, it is well hidden). I have found the cheapest way for Big Pharma to offset their final 20% is by paying for Forest Gardens in the Third World. See:

There are 7.7 billion people on the planet at the moment, and The WHO say that one in four are mentally ill, that is, 1.925 billion, with a combined CO2 emission of 42 megatonnes, this is an average mental health carbon footprint of 0.218 tonnes for each sufferer. And it will take just thirty seconds to end. 


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton





28 May 2019

The Stone Age did not end when we ran out of Stones.


On 3 January 2018 I wrote to President Jean-Claude Juncker of The European Union pointing out that we could slash CO2 emissions with the passive control of buildings using something like Starlite, and reiterating my near-zero CO2 plan in brief. Nearly a year later we have the headline: “European Union legislators reached agreement in the early hours of Wednesday (19 December 2018) over a proposed reform of electricity market rules that includes a 2025 cut-off date for coal subsidies, and a special clause for Poland.” The headline could have been: “What climate crisis?”


The UK Conservative Government spends £10.5bn of our money on subsiding fossil fuels, meanwhile cuts to subsidies for homeowners to install solar panels and a “hostile planning approach” that has in effect banned new wind turbines are behind the “wholesale decline”, Community Energy England (CEE) said in its 2018 State of the Sector report.


In recent weeks I have had to write to the local council at Dewley Hill, UK, who have just agreed to start a coal mine when we have only 12 years to leave it in the ground saying: “We have a government declaration of climate crisis, and there is no room for coal in the answer.”


How much would you have to pay to push the Earth over the target of 1.5 degrees C? Knowing politicians £50 and a prostitute.  


'The Guardian' reports: Environmental activist Greta Thunberg said in April the UK’s “active, current support of new exploitation of fossil fuels” was “absurd”. The audit committee report found that UK Export Finance (UKEF), which provides lines of credit and insurance to help companies win business overseas, spent £2.6bn in recent years to support the UK’s global energy exports, of which £2.5bn was handed to fossil fuel projects. Only 4% of its funding, or £104m, was used to support renewable energy projects.

Earlier this year, former UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon called on the UK to stop funding fossil fuel projects in the developing world.



I Just Don't Give a Fuck




Please excuse my use of this language

but it is the language these sort of people use


We're messing up the planet

With all our human muck

It makes me angry when you say

I just don't give a fuck


Just toss that plastic bottle

The one that you just sucked

It makes me angry when you say

So what? Just go get fucked


Come on you lazy litterer

I'm trying to do my bit

It makes me angry when you say

I just don't give a shit


You think I'm making all this up?

You think I'm just a toff?

It makes me angry when you say

Get lost. Just bugger off


Climate change you scoff at

Scientists say it's true

It makes me angry when you say

They haven't got a clue


It seems to me you don't care

'Bout our environment

It makes me angry when you say

Get lost, I am content


Don Matthews January 2019





Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



29 April 2019


'Climate Change: The Facts' presented by Sir David Attenborough


In the last 20 years, over 3.5 million hectares of Indonesian and Malaysian forest have been destroyed to make way for palm oil. Almost 80% of orangutan habitat has disappeared in the last 20 years. We are losing over 6,000 orangutans a year.


Not only is palm oil bad for the environment, and a major cause of climate change, but it is also the leading cause of orangutan extinction. Every year it is estimated that between 1,000 to 5,000 orangutans are killed in palm oil concessions.


In Sumatra at least 10.8 million hectares have been opened up for palm oil plantations. The situation in Borneo is similar. Large scale conversion of tropical rain forests has had an absolutely devastating impact on biodiversity in both Borneo and Sumatra. In addition, deforestation may cause soil erosion and, because most forests have been cleared through the use of fire, massive air pollution from smoke. All this degrades the soil, and I have campaigned before to have slash and burn replaced by biocharing, the effects of which are felt hundreds of miles away, Malaysia frequently effects the quality of air in Singapore, and Poland probably killed a few asthmatics in the UK with their incompetence. Much of the land on which palm oil plantations have been established consists of peat swamp forest. The draining, burning, and conversion of peat swamp forests to palm oil has been especially damaging to the world’s climate as it has led to Indonesia being the third largest contributor of carbon to the world’s atmosphere after China and the United States.

Palm oil companies prefer to clear primary forests, rather than degraded areas or grasslands, for economic reasons. They don’t need to utilize or add as much chemical fertilizer (which is expensive) to forest land cleared by fire and fertilized from ash produced by the fire. In addition, the cost of clearing peat swamp forests is subsidized by the sale of commercially valuable timber taken from concession areas as part of the conversion process. After palm oil plantations are established, displaced starving orangutans are frequently killed in the most brutal ways as agricultural pests when they try to obtain food in the plantation areas. We saw in 'Climate Change: The Facts' one of the orangutans trying to fight off the diggers that were knocking down it's home.

A third of the land surface is now used for agriculture, this rises to a half when all man made building is added. Cement based on magnesium silicates can be used, which not only requires much less heating than conventional cement but also absorbs large amounts of CO2 as it hardens, making it carbon negative.


We are currently on a trajectory of 3-6 degrees centigrade of global warming if we do nothing, leading to a sea rise of between 80cm and 1 meter. A tipping point that could be reached is where methane is uncontrollably released into the atmosphere from the permafrost, and the only way to prevent this is to have a near-zero CO2 economy that prevents the planet getting any hotter. A low tech method of locking up CO2 is to reforest on degraded or abandoned lands. 15 billion trees are cut down each year. More than 2 billion hectares offer opportunities for restoration, an area larger than South America, and The United Nations has made it a target to plant a trillion trees, and we have planted seventeen billion trees so far.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




27 March 2019


Diarrhoea kills 2,195 children every day—

more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.


Diarrhoeal diseases account for 1 in 9 child deaths worldwide, making diarrhoea the second leading cause of death among children under the age of 5. For children with HIV, diarrhoea is even more deadly; the death rate for these children is 11 times higher than the rate for children without HIV 2. Despite these sobering statistics, strides made over the last 20 years have shown that, in addition to rotavirus vaccination and breastfeeding, diarrhoea prevention focused on safe water and improved hygiene and sanitation is not only possible, but cost effective: every $1 invested yields an average return of $25.50. I have a webpage on digging water wells. I also have a webpage on how to increase breast milk production exponentially.

ORS (oral rehydration salts) are used in the developing water in treating diarrhoea, which is a mix of sugar, salt, and clean water, at the correct quantities. For this problem, I have found that a good treatment for diarrhoea is to ingest starch, the free source is to drink the cooled water that your vegetables were boiled in. Smash instant potato also fights diarrhoea, presumably due to the process they use to make it increases the starch levels of the food.  


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton



21 February 2019


A Trillion Trees


It has recently been found that there is enough land to plant another 1.2 trillion trees in parks, woods, and abandoned lands across the planet. Dr. Thomas Crowther counted over 3 trillion trees already in existence, a seven fold estimate increase over the last count by NASA. This planting would offset the last ten years of carbon emissions, so is a job that we have to do. The United Nations campaign, 'A Billion Trees' is now 'A Trillion Trees.' We have planted 17 billion so far. One charity that does this is 'Trees for the Future' which uses it's funds to help poor farmers create a ring of food trees and fire wood trees around their field, which then produces an abundance and variety of food, so that there is a variety to eat and sell all year round, rather than the one cash crop the World Bank would have them grow, and which I am so against (one drought or pestilence and the whole crop is gone.) 'Trees for the Future' provides the seeds and training to do this, and a small donation can soon offset your carbon emissions and more. An average family in the UK produces 4 tons of CO2 emissions a year, and one donation of £30 to 'Trees for the Future' offsets this, so we should all be doing this, and perhaps we should be made to offset. I have contacted both the UN and 'Trees for the Future' about planting in equilateral triangles (and biocharing) to increase crop yields by 15%. Suddenly 1.2 trillion trees can become 1.38 trillion.



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




27 January 2019

Period Poverty


Many women suffer from period poverty, they have difficulty finding money for sanitary wear that men do not need to, and there have been attempts to end taxing such products around the world. However, the co- inventor of the contraceptive pill, Gregory Goodwin Pincus, was Catholic and, in an attempt to get a Pope to back his invention, came up with the idea of giving women a week off their pills in order to induce a period; this is not necessary. The Pope was not impressed. Women in period poverty are thus able to take the contraceptive pill all month long at no extra cost. In the UK children and unemployed get free prescriptions, while everyone else can get a pre-payment certificate to spread the cost of all their prescriptions to a low amount for the whole year. Those unable to use the contraceptive pill to end periods can get a cheap one off payment menstrual cup that can be used time after time.  (See: Alleviating Menstrual Cramps).



Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton




14 January 2019

Slashing CO2 Emissions From Our Food Carbon Footprint


The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) says that reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint is central to limiting climate change. And to help to ensure food security, farmers across the globe will probably have to switch to cultivating more climate-hardy crops and farming practices. But there is more that we can do.

Using estimates from 2005, 2007 and 2008, the researchers found that agricultural production provides the lion’s share of greenhouse-gas emissions from the food system, releasing up to 12,000 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent a year — up to 86% of all food-related anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions. Next is fertilizer manufacture, which releases up to 575 megatonnes, followed by refrigeration, which emits 490 megatonnes. The researchers found that the whole food system released 9,800–16,900 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere in 2008, including indirect emissions from deforestation and land-use changes. Once we are biocharing wherever possible, and using biochar instead of fertiliser, we can begin to make cuts. We can cut refrigeration costs to near-zero by lining our freezers and chillers on transport and at home with Starlite, and Firepaste. Increases in deforestation can be cut when we eradicate slash and burn and replace it with biocharing the new agricultural land so that we can farm the land for generations instead of for the highly wasteful one season. Population in the Third World can be stabilised by the “Buxton Gap,” a phenomenon where child birth rates drop when there is access to plentiful water supplies, brought about by the digging of water wells. We still have the problem of increasing wealth leading to increasing demand for more exotic meats, Chinese demand for pork is increasing, for example. Education about vegetarianism and eating meat with a smaller carbon foot print would be one method. Beef has a three times higher carbon footprint than pork, and six times that of chicken because it takes longer to get to the table, and the greater CO2 emissions from ruminants.

The statistics that I used in my self-funding near-zero CO2 plan did not mention the percentage of UK CO2 emissions caused by food production, but they can be cut down. (I am at present getting updated figures under the Freedom of Information Act).Long range food transport CO2 emissions can be cut by 50% by mixing transport fuel and water with an ultrasonic dibber, and I am attempting to get Universities in the UK to do so. Sewage from both livestock and humans can be cut by 50% by biocharing it, for use as soil improver. (As can the deceased, and I have campaigned on the rights to this after death). Food waste from both food production, and consumption can also be biochared. We can also eat food that is produced nearer to home, or at home to cut down on transport costs, and home grown food is fresher, so generally tastes better.

We can biochar all organic material, which can be sorted out by automated rubbish dump sorters, with biocharing equipment being on site. The metal and plastic can then be recycled.

“Move for Hunger” says that a third of food produced is wasted. While food loss happens mainly at the production stage due to insufficient skills, natural calamities, lack of proper infrastructure and poor practices, food waste occurs when edible food is intentionally discarded by consumers after they fail to plan their meals properly and store food till it spoils or goes past the expiry date. At times, food waste can also happen due to oversupply in markets. Retailers also tend to reject a lot of food because it doesn’t conform to their quality and aesthetic standards. A 2013 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) report, which was the first study to analyse the impacts of global food wastage on the environment, says that nearly one-third of all food produced in the world for human consumption does not find its way to our tables.


Yours faithfully

Andy Kadir-Buxton


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